Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Passing double to printf in XMM register

As last time all this happens on Linux and processor is 64 bit AMD. We want to call C function printf and to print float. Last time we used up to six registers to pass integers and %rdi for format string to printf and now we are going to use XMM registers and %rax to specify how many XMM registers we want printed. Compiling and linking is described in previous blog entry. I will actually use double which is 64 bit float. Here is the code:

.section .data
    .int 3
    .double -1.234, 5.6789
    .double 123.456789
    .double 9.876, 5.4321
    .asciz "have %d doubles %lf, %g, %g\n"
.section .text
.globl _start
    movupd double3, %xmm2
    movdqu double1, %xmm1
    movsd double2, %xmm0
    movq whatever, %rsi
    movq $format, %rdi
    movq $3, %rax
    call printf
    call exit

Different MOV commands are used to load data into different XMM registers. One can use gdb to see what is loaded and where. Some will load single double into low half of register and some will load both doubles into register. Function printf will print only low half of register. XMM registers are in this call behaving as stack so the first float param is in %xmm0, the second one is in %xmm1 and so on.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Linux assembler, 64 bit, for beginners

Huge majority of literature about programming in assembly is written for 32 bit architecture. So beginner will have difficulties translating and linking examples on 64 bit machine. To be more precise the first major hurdle is calling C function printf. That goes from notorious error message “Accessing a corrupted shared library” to different calling convention. To solve linking problem we need to link using 64 bit version of ld-linux.so.2. For example Richard Bloom gives following solution:

ld --dynamic-linker /lib/ld-linux.so.2 -o [name] -lc [name].o

When we apply it we have “Accessing a corrupted shared library”. I am using Linux Mint 13, based on Ubuntu 12.04, and /lib/ld-linux.so.2 is symlink to 32 bit library:

$ ls -l /lib/ld-linux.so.2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Sep 30 16:38 /lib/ld-linux.so.2 -> i386-linux-gnu/ld-2.15.so

Since we are on 64 bit architecture we need to modify linking to use appropriate architecture:

ld --dynamic-linker /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -o [name] -lc [name].o

That should eliminate “Accessing a corrupted shared library” problem. Now we have calling printf problem. On 32 bit architecture we simply push on the stack parameters and on 64 bit machine that just doesn’t work. Calling convention for 64 bit architecture is the following: result will end up in %rax, parameters, in order of appearance, will go into %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx and so on. There is quite good article about it GNU x86_64 assembler - Calling printf by Aleksandar Mitrevski. Now we can try some Hello World examples.

.section .data
    .asciz "Hello World!\n"
.section .text
.globl _start
    mov $hws, %rdi
    call printf 
    call exit

We place our zero terminated string into register %rdi and call printf. To compile, link and execute we execute the following from terminal:

$ as -o helloworld.o helloworld.s
$ ld --dynamic-linker /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -o helloworld -lc helloworld.o
$ ./helloworld

Now slightly more complicated example:

.section .data
    .int 1234
    .asciz "Our integer is %d\n"
.section .text
.globl _start
    movq whatever, %rsi
    movq $format, %rdi
    movq $0, %rax
    call printf
    movl $1, %eax
    movl $0, %ebx
    int $0x80

The last three lines can be replaced with call exit, but this is more like examples from book Professional assembly language by Richard Blum. Final example with even more parameters and some addition:

.section .data
    .int 1234
    .int 766
    .asciz "%d + %d = %d\n"
.section .text
.globl _start
    movq a, %rsi
    movq b, %rdx
    movq $format, %rdi
    movq %rsi, %rcx
    addq %rdx, %rcx
    movq $0, %rax
    call printf
    call exit

If you managed to build and execute all three examples, quickly go and update your CV with freshly acquired assembly on Linux experience.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Quick HAProxy install and TCP load balancing on Debian

Had to test modified echo server and one of requirements was to create cluster. Wanted simple round robin with three servers at backend. After trying balance from repositories I find out that it doesn’t do well on new distros, used to work nicely on Ubuntu 8.04. There was significant loss of packages. So, after some googling decided to go with HAProxy. Only problem is that HAProxy doesn’t have quick start or I couldn’t find it. So here is quick start for TCP load balancer.
Downloaded source from HAProxy website. Installed requirements:

# apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev libssl-dev

Unpacked sorce and cd to root of sorce directory. Make is for many targets and many options, Debian Wheezy with installed libs would be:

$ make TARGET=linux2628 CPU=native USE_PCRE=1 USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_ZLIB=1

When build is successfully executed we can install it:

# make install

Then I created config file called hapconfig with following content:

    user tcpstuff
    group tcpstuff
    chroot /home/tcpstuff
    maxconn 1024

    mode tcp
    timeout connect 5000ms
    timeout client 50000ms
    timeout server 50000ms

frontend tcp-in
    bind *:7000
    default_backend servers

backend servers
    balance roundrobin 
    server s1
    server s2
    server s3

And now to run HAProxy:

# /usr/local/sbin/haproxy -f /home/tcpstuff/work/haproxy-1.4.24/hapconfig

It daemonizes itself, as requested in config file, and goes into background, to verify it is up we can execute:

ps aux | grep haproxy

To test echo server cluster I used:

$ echo ‘Hello world!’ | nc -q 1 7000

Why -q 1? If we omit it on Debian it will default to waiting for timeout to expire, on Linux Mint we can skip -q. And that was really quick.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Where is Mozilla Firefox Cache

This one is not about programming. Mozilla Firefox is popular web browser and it comes as default browser on many Linux distros. OK it may be called Iceweasel instead of Firefox, but that is about the same. Cache used to be in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/(profile)/Cache but now it is not there. During the time one get used to delete or copy files from cache to some safe location, for example:

find (path to Cache) -type f -size +100k -exec cp --parents {} (where to copy) \;

But now cache is gone and nothing works. Initial reaction is google for solution, we are turning into web search addicts, and when that doesn’t bring us joy we are searching some more.
So, how we find cache? For the beginning we start Firefox and terminal. In terminal we execute:

ps aux | grep firefox

That will tell us what is process ID for Firefox. Should look something like this:

(user name)   16025 19.6  5.9 1065852 226284 ?      Sl   16:10   0:13 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox

That 16025 is process ID or pid. Knowing pid we can easily find out what files that proces is keeping open:

ls -l /proc/16025/fd | grep cache

We execute that in terminal, no need to be root. On Mint it is in $HOME/.cache/mozilla/firefox/(profile).
That was so simple, how is possible that I couldn’t find it on Google ;-)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Using POSIX MQ from Java - another part

In introduction we managed to create our message queue and to close it. Only thing which is unclear is where is it? Message queue is maintained by kernel and it is created in virtual file system. If we execute in terminal:

cat /proc/filesystems

we will see entry:

nodev    mqueue

If we want to take a closer look at our JNIMQ_1 we will have to mount mqueue. It is nicely described in man pages, just look for mq_overview entry. For lazy people here are commands for mounting message queue, you must do that as root:

# mkdir /dev/mqueue
# mount -t mqueue none /dev/mqueue

After this we should exit root level. Again using man pages we find out that second line is standard form for mount and looks like this mount -t type device dir. Once mounted we can use our standard set of tools for examining file content on Linux, for example:

ls -l /dev/mqueue
cat /dev/mqueue/JNIMQ_1

Now we can go on sending and receiving messages. If we do not specify time-out, those messages and queues will be persisted until system reboots.
Since we have functional message queue, we can nicely start chat. For that reason we will send some messages. We already have queue from last time and we will not create it:

That flags = 1 is open in write only mode. Boring part with javah we are skipping and here is implementation:

We compile it as described in previous blog entry and send some messages. If we cat /dev/mqueue/JNIMQ_1 we will see that it is growing.
Receiving is equally simple, here is the Java code:

We want queue opened as read only and we want messages with priority 0. After applying javac and javah we write implementation:

This 1024 should be retrieved from mq attributes, but I am lazy to do that and I still remember how it was created.
In this two examples I deviated from passing mq descriptor to Java, that is what jtux does. Not sure what is more expensive, crossing managed-native border or opening file, so do not ask.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Using POSIX MQ from Java - Introduction

All this is taking place on Linux Mint but should work on any other Linux. JDK is Oracle JDK, I am doing Android programming and it requires Oracle JDK, OpenJDK should do fine but path will differ. Goal of this introduction is to create new message queue and to close it - nothing else.
As usually in JNI workflow we write Java code:

Idea about storing pointer to data structure into long is from jtux project, otherwise it should be message queue descriptor or (mqd_t)-1 in case of failure. Queue name must start with slash and 64 is O_CREAT | O_RDONLY we want queue to be created and to be read only for us. Now we compile PosixMQ.java and we run javah on class to get header for C implementation. On my box it looks like this:

/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/javah -jni PosixMQ

Interesting part of PosixMQ.h looks like this:

Finally we write trivial C implementation, being careful to include all required imports:

I was too lazy to pass attributes around, it should be done at later stage. Permissions are also conveniently hardcoded, though passing octal through parameter list is not difficult. To compile this I used:

gcc -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/include/linux -o libPosixMQ.so -shared -fPIC PosixMQ.c -lrt

Switch -fPIC will not be required on 32 bit Linux and -lrt instruction to link against the real-time is required everywhere. To run it we do:

java -Djava.library.path=. PosixMQ

in directory where are binaries and we see:

We have MQ open.
Close returned 0

Not very impressive but again very simple. Maybe next time we send and receive some messages, who knows.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Java writes to named pipe

I did while ago article where Java talks to C++ using standard input/output, now this is just addition to it. As in last example all that happens on Linux and we are using named pipe or FIFO. Need to transfer result of some periodic operation to remote listener and do not want to block process with network transfer. It slows it down and also introduces new opportunities for failure. In original problem that process is written in some funny functional language where many things may go wrong. Naturally I will not bother you with networking or what is being processed. It will be just small IPC example.
So here is C++ listener:

We run it the first, to create MYFIFO. BTW on Ubuntu 12.10 it will fail to compile, to remedy that add unistd.h to includes. Then comes Java class which is talking to C++ listener:

We run listener in terminal, then Orator class in different terminal and type short messages. When we hit enter message goes through pipe and appears in terminal. If you didn’t know how to turn string into byte array and write it to buffer now you know. Only tricky point is that you need to flush output stream to go through pipe, it’s all about plumbing.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easy light polluted night sky workflow

I got four 120 seconds ISO 800 RAW frames. Better option would be to go for 60 seconds ISO 1600 and minimize tracking errors, stacking should eliminate noise anyway. Since pictures are taken under suburban sky, they are overexposed and have ugly orange background color. When we open them in Darktable default white balance preset is camera white balance and that looks like this.

Now we want to eliminate that ugly orange background and we switch from camera white balance to spot white balance.

If images were saved as JPEG, camera white balance would be applied, colors shifted to allow better compression and we won’t be able to do much processing. Before exporting images to TIFF, to export hit Ctrl+e, we will tweak exposure as on picture:

I export them as 16 bit integer per channel TIFF, if you do not know how to manage export settings it is explained in previous blog entries.
Now to do stacking I will open terminal and execute magic formula:

align_image_stack -a tif *.tiff

gmic tif0000.tif tif0001.tif -div 256 -gimp_blend 3,1,0 -mul 256 -c 0,65536 -type ushort -output one.tiff
gmic tif0002.tif tif0003.tif -div 256 -gimp_blend 3,1,0 -mul 256 -c 0,65536 -type ushort -output two.tiff
gmic one.tiff two.tiff -div 256 -gimp_blend 3,1,0 -mul 256 -c 0,65536 -type ushort -output tutorial.tiff

If you compare it with previous blog entries about G’MIC stacking you will see that new version of G’MIC is not completely backward compatible. Some people would maybe like to use DSS instead and that is also OK. Finally we open image in GIMP bump up contrast and LAB color decompose image. We duplicate A and B component, set copy mode to overlay and then merge them down. Do not flatten layers, there should be L, A and B layers. L layer can be slightly stretched or left how it is. When we LAB compose layers back into RGB image we will have nice saturated colors. Now, some people will proceed playing with curves but I will just add background gradient. I am not really using it as intended. I switch from divide to overlay and reduce opacity to 50%. That background gradient is part of astronomy plugin for GIMP by Georg Hennig and 2.8 compatible version is available from here git://gitorious.org/gimp-plugins-ambulance/gimp-plugin-astronomy.git. Building plugin is trivial. Here is result:

 Complete damage control was done in Darktable in three straightforward steps and that is why I call it easy. If level of black was lower and and for example exposure was reduced only -0.5EV, we could further increase contrast and get more of that Flame nebula. Though it will be more fiddling in GIMP and may be not so simple as it sounds.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Homework: Towers of Hanoi

This puzzle was popularised in Europe by French mathematician Edouard Lucas. There are three poles, 64 disks of different sizes and number of monks trying to move those disks from first to third pole, respecting the following rules:
1) You can move only one disk at the time.
2) You can pick only top disk and place it on top of other disks on different pole.
3) You can place disk only on bigger disk.
When monks finish moving those 64 disks and puzzle is solved, end of the world will come. According to Lucas all that takes place in Vietnam. Now, this puzzle is known in India as Towers of Brahma and there could be other versions of it, for example Chinese, over last seven thousands years they invented many puzzles. One may be under impression that end of the world is near but to solve 64 disk puzzle, 2^64-1 moves are required and that is quite big number 18446744073709551615. Though end of the world may come before puzzle is solved for many other reasons.
Puzzle is quite interesting because it allows to develop simple algorithm. Now we will name poles start, aux and end. With single disk, we take it from start and place on end. With two disks, we take small to aux, big to end and finally smal from aux to end. Now with three disks we already see that we should move top two to aux, big disk to end and after that top two to end. So, moving top two to aux is like previous case, but aux and end are swapping places. Moving top two from aux to end is again the same as previous case, but start and aux are swapping places. We can even write moves, so it is easy to see what is going on:

One disk: start to end
Two disks: start to aux, start to end, aux to end
Three disks: (start to end, start to aux, end to aux), start to end, (aux to start, aux to end, start to end)

We can generalize and say that solution is moving n-1 disks to aux, moving bottom disk to end and moving n-1 disks from aux to end. So we got self algorithm for solving puzzle. Turning it into code is more than simple:

That was Python implementation. If you do not know Python, here is Java implementation:

Very simple. There are many other ways to solve this puzzle but recursion is simplest and most logical. Also excellent interview question, if candidate is not capable of developing simple algorithm and understanding recursion, then candidate is not really programmer.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Recursion in Python

And now something completely different. During last week I was busy polishing my Python skills or rather removing rust from them. I went through book Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen Downey. Mentioned book is available for download from http://www.thinkpython.com. My impression is that book is intended for army of different bookkeepers and alike trying to learn programming. So author is threading rather gently and slowly. It reminds me of joke from Monty Python where accountant, Palin, wants to go directly into taming lions, but career consultant, Cleese won’t let him, he must do that gradually, first investment banking. Now I will be kind and let accountant do lion taming without going first into investment banking.
In one of introductory chapters recursion is introduced and stack transition is explained. For example we can use factorial:

It is easily readable and looks good. If we call it with n=6 this will happen:


CPU pushes on stack value for n and * operation and dispatches call to the same function but with n-1 parameter, when right brace is closed, pops frame from stack and finishes multiplication. Problem with recursion and Python is that depth of stack is rather small, only thousand frames. If you try to calculate factorial for 2^10 using this function it will cause stack overflow. So instead of doing recursive calls one can rewrite factorial and use iterations:

Still simple and shallow stack problems are avoided, but that is so investment banking. What else could be done? We can use binary splitting. Story about binary splitting comes from Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah and you can find it here. Instead of multiplying accumulator with all numbers in range we do recursive preparation similar to binary search and build tree like flow to multiply partial products between themselves. We define product like this:

P(a, b) = P(a, (a+b)/2)*P((a+b)/2, b)

Then we divide each range in half until distance between upper and lower bound is small. Here is the code:

If we say a is 0 we will get factorial b as result. I tested it for b up to 2^16 and it went through without stack overflow as expected. While it theoretically could be used for values up to 2^1000, try not to exceed 2^16 unless your box have really good cooling and plenty of time to wait for result. Tree is not tall, but there is quite few branches. Python is partly functional language and that bring us to yet another idea. Functional languages have compilers which will optimize recursive calls into so called tail calls if function is written in certain way. For example this could be optimized:

But Python compiler is not that much functional and it will not generate tail calls. Through the years people are bothering Guido with tail call optimisations but he just doesn’t want to implement it. When gccpy front-end is released, there will be tail call optimisation since GCC is doing it anyway. Instead of waiting for gccpy we can help ourselves with generators and so called trampolining. We should also switch from factorial to Fibonacci numbers, due to size of result. Plain Fibonacci looks like this:

In order to get generators we will replace return with yield and rewrite function so it ends with single function call:

def fibo(a, b, c):
    if c==0:
        yield b
        yield fibo(a+b, a, c-1)

and one would like to call it like this fibo(1, 0, n). Now we just need trampoline to execute those tail calls and we can calculate first thousand or so Fibonacci numbers:

import types

def trampoline(func, *args, **kwargs):
    f = func(*args, **kwargs)
    while isinstance(f, types.GeneratorType):
    return f

def fibo(a, b, c):
    if c==0:
        yield b
        yield fibo(a+b, a, c-1)

for x in range(1024):
    print "F(", x, ") =", trampoline(fibo, 1, 0, x)

There is user friendly version of trampoline where decorator is used, so no need to replace return with yield and normal function call is used, but is more difficult to understand, you can download it from here.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How Java and C or C++ can talk on Linux

Linux is all about interoperability. That is more of IPC stuff. Without any type safety we can open pipe and pass arbitrary chunk of data between native process and Java process. No need for JNI, let the data flow. Secret of our success is function popen(), for more info invoke man popen from terminal. All actions are initiated from native code, so here is declaratively C++ native code to start Java listener and send chunk of data to it:

Without that C++ include statement it would look like plain C. It will create process java SomeOtherClass and open pipe to it for writing. Naturally before we run native part of system we should compile Java code. Here is Java listener:

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;

class SomeOtherClass {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(System.in, 132);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        int i;
        while ((i = bis.read()) != -1) {
            sb.append((char) i);
        System.out.println("SomeOtherClass got message : " + sb.toString());

When we run native binary it will start Java class and send to it message. In its turn Java class will use BufferedInputStream to read standard input and turn stream of integers into String. If we want we can make C++ listening and Java talking. Here is the now really C++ code:

As last time Java code must be compiled prior to executing native one. Here is Java code:

public class SomeClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String msg = "Greetings from Java no: ";
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            System.out.println(msg + i);

We have less code but more output, obvious rise in productivity due to OO approach.
Not very useful, but things could be done this way.

Nostalgic moments

While trying to do:

I was greeted with error message:

invalid conversion from ‘int’ to ‘const char*’

C FILE* was expelled from ISO/ANSI C++ streams. Luckily there is workaround, one can subclass std::streambuf as described here. Sometimes one can find useful things on StackOverflow ;-)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Pipes and even more interesting Named Pipes

Pipes are very user friendly form of IPC on Linux. We are frequently using them in terminal, for example on Debian:

$ dpkg -l | grep gimp

We want to see only installed packages which are containing gimp in its name. Easy way to get pipe is to declare integer array and fork. Since child process gets all variables from parent it gets pipe as well.

Naturally such client server code is clumsy to write and creators of UNIX invented named pipes. Those are nothing but files and we can create them from terminal using mknod command and p switch, we want FIFO - first in first out storage:

$ mknod TESTFIFO p

Now if we do ls -l on our FIFO we will see that it got different color from other files and additional markings, letter p:

prw-r--r-- 1 borg borg 0 Mar  4 22:28 TESTFIFO

You do not have to be programmer to create FIFO. One can go even further and open two terminals, in the first execute cat > TESTFIFO and in the second one cat TESTFIFO, now everything what you write in the first one will appear in the second one, after you hit enter.
After all that fun we may go back to programming and create simple client and server which will use FIFO to talk. Client code:

Then server code:

Whoever starts first will be blocked until other side of pipe is open. When server exits, client exits as well. Very simple and user friendly.
Those examples are very much influenced by Linux Programmer's Guide by Scott Burkett and Beej's Guide to Unix IPC. The second one is quite entertaining and you can find it here with few other books and tutorials.
Next couple of posts will be about Java and pipes and Android and pipes and finally about NDK and pipes.

Monday, February 25, 2013

C++ and pthreads on Linux

If one wants to use NDK and that is JNI on Android, sooner or later he will run into threading on Linux, yes Android is Linux. Pthreads is short for POSIX threads where POSIX is Portable Operating System Interface. Since they are portable they will work on Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac and so on. Pthread is defined in pthread.h and represents set of C functions, structs and defs, to discover where it is you can execute from terminal:

$ locate pthread.h

If you have NDK installed you will see that pthread.h is part of it and that arch-arm version is significantly smaller than /usr/include/pthread.h one. To cut long story short we can do Hello World and see how it looks like:

It is quite simple, we declare thread function, thread itself and then we create thread and pass function pointer and argument in pthread_create. Later we join and exit. To compile it we do:

g++ -pthread simple.cpp -o simple

That -pthread switch is linking instruction. Now cout is not thread safe and we may want to use mutex to make printing to standard output safe.

Now one can go and wrap pthread or mutex in class and make it easier to use. Only we need to be careful with that function pointer in pthread_create, that is C function and passing class method won’t work without some additional coding and static casting.
Finally we will take a look at pthread_key_create, which is recommended by Android documentation. Its signature is:

int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor)(void *));

That "destructor" should free resources taken by key when thread exits. Key itself is global variable but on thread level, sort of locally global. So here is example:

When you build it and execute it you will see that cout is not thread safe. If you want to wrap pthread in class, very good reading is Implementation and Usage of a Thread Pool based on POSIX Threads by Ronald Kriemann, sorry do not have link for it. Beside mutex, there are are condition variables and semaphores to help with concurrency issues. If you are going to fork process you may want to use System V semaphores instead of pthread semaphores. Finally for any serious implementation of pthread_key_create you need to look at pthread_once_t.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

More C++ and JNI on Linux Mint

In last JNI tutorial we learned how to compile Java code, generate header and implement and compile native code. JNI declares two main groups of commonly used types. Primitive types, which are int, boolean, float and so on, and they are user friendly, no need to do cast to native types. Other group are reference types, like String, arrays or proper Java classes, and they all inherit from jobject and require special handling to map them to native types. So here is the simple example to illustrate different parameter type handling:

public class MultiCall{
    public native int add(int a, int b);
    public native boolean isOdd(long a);
    public native int sum(int[] arr);
    public native String add(String a, String b);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        MultiCall m = new MultiCall();
        System.out.println(m.add(1, 2));
        System.out.println(m.add("Hello", "World"));
        System.out.println(m.sum(new int[]{1,2,3,4}));

After we compile it and run javah tool on resulting class, we have the following method definitions:

Implementation looks like this:

Reference types require significant work to use them from native code. Also if we want to return reference type it needs to be constructed. I am using std::string because it will do deep copy of character array, at least if you are using gcc/g++, and allows me to easily manipulate strings. Code is easy to understand and doesn’t deserve further comments.
The second example is illustration how to throw exception from native code and catch it in Java code.

public class NativeException{
    public native int divide(int a, int b) throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        NativeException n = new NativeException();
            System.out.println(n.divide(12, 3));
            n.divide(12, 0);
        }catch(Exception e){

Even if we marked native method with throws, javac will not complain if we try to call it out of try-catch block. One of reasons why pure Java is preferred to JNI. Also in header file, that throws is just ignored.

In implementation we do sanity check and if second parameter is zero we try to throw IllegalArgumentException.

If env fails to find IllegalArgumentException, we just return zero.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Simple Moon processing workflow with Open Source tools

About 50 pictures are taken through small 4.5 inch Newtonian using T-adapter. Since back-focus on this small scope is too short, Barlow x2 is used, what rises focal ratio from f8 to f16. Out of those 50 there is one or two where turbulence is not bad. After transfer of images from camera to hard drive, Rawstudio is used to preview them and find better ones. For conversion from RAW to TIFF I am using Darktable. Here you can see what processing is done in Darktable, what modules are active:

Exported TIFF is then imported in GIMP and GMIC is activated from Filters menu. We will stay in GMIC until end with exception when we are copying layers. From Colors, Tone mapping is performed, using default parameters, and we will work further with result of that transformation.

While it looks better I am not happy with amount of detail, so from the same group with default parameters Local normalization is performed and output mode is set to new image.

Again starting from tone-mapped image, using default parameters Local contrast enhancement from Enhancement group is applied.

At this moment one can decide to use those three image to create pseudo HDR using exposure blend, but I didn’t like flat border area in output, caused by local contrast enhancement. Now I copy-paste local contrast enhanced over local contrast normalized and in GMIC, using input layers all, execute Average blending in Layers group, that is the first one with [standard]. Over result of averaging I copy-paste tone-mapped image, one we started with and do again averaging. This is final result:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Maximal exposure from tripod without star trails

For a while I was trying to find out what is origin of famous 600 rule without success. Here is what I learned so far. That would be rule applicable to picture taken from tripod, without tracking. That rule says that maximal exposure time for star with declination of 0 degrees is equal 600 divided with focal length in seconds. Here we are talking about 35mm film, so for DSLR camera we need to multiply focal length with crop factor, 1.5 for Nikon and 1.6 for Canon. Declination 0 degrees is celestial equator. Further, rule talks about 0.1mm at 254mm, reading distance, so I assume that image is printed on A4 paper. Since 35mm film went to history that 0.1 mm somehow is mapped to 8 pixels for DSLR camera. Is 8 pixels acceptable or not is another issue. There is even formula:

Maximal exposure = sidereal day * acceptable trail * pixel size /(focal length*2*π*cos(declination))

The sidereal day is 23 h 56 m 4.09 s, acceptable trail is 8 pixels, pixel size for Canon EOS 600D/Ti3 is 0.00429 mm, focal length is 80 mm (50 mm * 1.6), cos(0) is 1. All values must be expressed in the same units. When we convert sidereal day into seconds we have 86164.09 s. After substituting values into equation we got result 5.883066121 s. Some sensor data is available on http://www.sensorgen.info/, crop factor for Nikon and Sony is 1.5, what is acceptable trail for you I do not know, feel free to use it instead of suggested 8 pixels. To find out what is declination of some star, install Stellarium, ignore negative declination on southern hemisphere and use absolute value.
Trigonometric functions are available in any calculator on any OS, just switch into scientific mode. How that cosine influences result? For Orion we can neglect it, but if we want to take picture of Southern Cross about 60 degrees declination our maximal exposure doubles. For declination of 90 degrees we have singular point where exposure grows to infinity, if there is a star at celestial pole we can take whole night exposure - it is not moving. Closer to celestial pole you are, longer exposures are acceptable.

Subclassing Spinner and ArrayAdapter to change drop-down appearance

As we know, applying different layout can change text color and size, background color and so on. There is no need to do any Java code to achieve that, we just use existing Android classes. Now if we want to change drop-down item and include there more controls than just TextView and one drawable or maybe to apply custom resizing, than we have to dive into ArrayAdapter source and write custom adapter. I will not bother you with image and two TextViews, there is plenty of tutorials on Web about that, instead I will just try to resize drop-down to keep it simple. So here is complete code for minimalistic custom adapter:

public class CustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter implements SpinnerAdapter{
    private LayoutInflater mInflater;
    private int mFieldId = 0;
    private int mResource;
    public CustomAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId,
            String[] objects) {
        super(context, textViewResourceId, objects);
        mInflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        return createViewFromResource(position, convertView, parent, mResource);
    public void setDropDownViewResource(int resource) {
        this.mResource = resource;
    private View createViewFromResource(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent,
            int resource) {
        View view;
        TextView text;
        if (convertView == null) {
            view = mInflater.inflate(resource, parent, false);
        } else {
            view = convertView;
        try {
            if (mFieldId  == 0) {
                //  If no custom field is assigned, assume the whole resource is a TextView
                text = (TextView) view;
            } else {
                //  Otherwise, find the TextView field within the layout
                text = (TextView) view.findViewById(mFieldId);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            Log.e("ArrayAdapter", "You must supply a resource ID for a TextView");
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView", e);
        String item = getItem(position);
        if (item instanceof CharSequence) {
        } else {
        view.setLayoutParams(new AbsListView.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
        return view;

Most of createViewFromResource is Android code from ArrayAdapter. My modest contribution is only red line. If I specify there some values for width, instead of LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT then I will achieve this:

Well, items are narrower but container is still the same, so subclassing ArrayAdapter doesn’t really help. What needs to be resized and repositioned is AlertDialog which is holding those rows. We can find that out when we open Spinner source. Now I will again do minimalistic subclassing of Spinner.

public class CustomSpinner extends Spinner {
    private AlertDialog mPopup;
    public CustomSpinner(Context context) {
    public CustomSpinner(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
    protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
        if (mPopup != null && mPopup.isShowing()) {
            mPopup = null;
    public boolean performClick() {
        Context context = getContext();

        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
        CharSequence prompt = getPrompt();
        if (prompt != null) {
        mPopup = builder.setSingleChoiceItems(
                new DropDownAdapter(getAdapter()), getSelectedItemPosition(),
        WindowManager.LayoutParams layout = mPopup.getWindow().getAttributes();
        layout.x = -128;
        layout.y = -110;
        layout.height = 320;
        layout.width = 240;
        return true;
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
        mPopup = null;
     * here you copy and paste code for DropDownAdapter from Spinner

Hardcoded values are good enough for illustration of subclassing. Now since we are using custom control we need to change tag in layout:

Now if we build and run application in emulator we will get this:

Not very complicated.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

JNI Hello World on Linux Mint

I wrote similar tutorial for www.linux.com about four years ago. The motivation is the same as then, in then Sun and today Oracle documentation only Solaris and Windows are treated, Linux is omitted. Also there are slight differences in compilation process on 32 bit Ubuntu 9.04 then and 64 bit Linux Mint 13 today. Otherwise there is increase in popularity of JNI thanks to Android NDK. To do native Android development one should be familiar with C, C++, JNI and Java. As in that old article I will use C++ to create shared library.
We start with Java class:

class YAHelloWorld
    public native void sayHi(String name);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        YAHelloWorld h = new YAHelloWorld();

Beside normal Java stuff we have request to load native library and forward declaration of native method. We save it as YAHelloWorld.java and compile it

javac YAHelloWorld.java

After that we invoke javah to create native header:

/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/javah -jni YAHelloWorld

I was lazy to export path, so that is a reason for full path to javah. If you try without full path you may get following suggestion:

what is not really necessary.  Content of generated YAHelloWorld.h is:

The first parameter, JNIEnv * is pointer to array of pointers of JNI functions, jobject is sort of this pointer and jstring is Java String. Now when we know all that we can write C++ implementation:

Beside normal C++ stuff we convert Java String to C++ string at the beginning and at the end we release both of them. Compilation looks like this:

g++ -shared -fPIC -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/include/linux YAHelloWorld.cpp -o libYAHelloWorld.so

and finally we execute our Hello World example like this:

java -Djava.library.path=. YAHelloWorld

That should produce familiar Hello World output. Not too difficult.

Customizing Spinner appearance

If you want to change appearance of Button or TextView, it is very easy. You open layout subfolder in res folder, then you open activity_main.xml and add the following lines:


Something like that, Button text is centered anyway and TextView background is see through by default, so not all of them may be required. But if you want to change appearance of Spinner things are becoming complicated. Naturally first solution is do Google search and see how others are doing it. That gets you to Stack Overflow and there is plenty of solutions which are based on enthusiasm of contributor to say something. That eloquent guessing, without any understanding what is actually going on, goes that far that they are claiming that you must subclass ArrayAdapter to change text color. To be honest Android documentation is not very helpful here and according to modern scientific approach people go here agile, they do trial and error in plain English. If you do not have knowledge demonstrate effort. Naturally there is much better way. Android is open source project and getting Java code for it is not difficult, in Android SDK Manager one just needs to select Sources for Android SDK and download it. Now if we take a look at typical Spinner usage we see something like this:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Spinner spinner=(Spinner)findViewById(R.id.spinner1);
    adapter=new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, items);

Appearance of Spinner is defined by android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item in collapsed state and android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item in expanded state. If we want Spinner to look differently, we need to change layout. Unfortunately android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item is not part of Sources for Android SDK but android.widget.ArrayAdapter is available. We open it and see relevant methods:

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    return createViewFromResource(position, convertView, parent, mResource);
public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    return createViewFromResource(position, convertView, parent, mDropDownResource);

Then we look for createViewFromResource, where real work is done:

private View createViewFromResource(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent,
        int resource) {
    View view;
    TextView text;

    if (convertView == null) {
        view = mInflater.inflate(resource, parent, false);
    } else {
        view = convertView;
    try {
        if (mFieldId == 0) {
            //  If no custom field is assigned, assume the whole resource is a TextView
            text = (TextView) view;
        } else {
            //  Otherwise, find the TextView field within the layout
            text = (TextView) view.findViewById(mFieldId);
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        Log.e("ArrayAdapter", "You must supply a resource ID for a TextView");
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView", e);
    T item = getItem(position);
    if (item instanceof CharSequence) {
    } else {
    return view;

And there we find required information, that printed with red font. We need to supply layout which is TextView or layout containing TextView and to supply ID of TextView fot the second case. Now when we got idea what we are doing changing appearance is trivial.
Collapsed appearance layout:

Expanded appearance layout:

We save those two as custom Spinner layouts. We know that ID can be omitted and we happily omit it, less typing. We use our custom layouts like this:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Spinner spinner=(Spinner)findViewById(R.id.spinner1);
    adapter=new ArrayAdapter
(this, R.layout.col, items);

Obviously I saved them as col.xml and exp.xml.