Monday, December 31, 2012

Download YouTube video and convert it for Android

For downloading videos from YouTube I am using YouTubeDownloader2 and you can find it here Why I am using that and not using Firefox add-ons? YouTubeDownloader2 is standalone program written in Java which is not storing my browsing habits in some remote DB. How do I know that? That is OSS, downloaded code, checked what it does, compiled it. If you don’t do Java, trust others who do ;-)
Once video is on file system we can encode it. It should be easy on Linux unless you are have common repo FFmpeg which is compiled without support for H.264, mp3 and few others codecs. If you are experienced Linux user you will visit FFmpeg wiki where is detailed instruction how to configure and build FFmpeg. I am on Mint so that is valid set of instructions for me, people using other distro will look for their set of instructions. If you are not experienced user maybe mencoder which comes by default with everything enabled is better option. So, install libavcodec-extra-53 or maybe 54 and mencoder. We can ask mencoder what is supported if in terminal we execute:

~ $ mencoder -ovc help
MEncoder svn r34540 (Ubuntu), built with gcc-4.6 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team

Available codecs:
copy     - frame copy, without re-encoding. Doesn't work with filters.
frameno  - special audio-only file for 3-pass encoding, see DOCS.
raw      - uncompressed video. Use fourcc option to set format explicitly.
nuv      - nuppel video
lavc     - libavcodec codecs - best quality!
xvid     - XviD encoding
x264     - H.264 encoding

and it produces video codecs list. For audio, query looks like this:

~ $ mencoder -oac help
MEncoder svn r34540 (Ubuntu), built with gcc-4.6 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team

Available codecs:
   copy     - frame copy, without re-encoding (useful for AC3)
   pcm      - uncompressed PCM audio
   mp3lame  - cbr/abr/vbr MP3 using libmp3lame
   lavc     - FFmpeg audio encoder (MP2, AC3, ...)
   faac     - FAAC AAC audio encoder

There is small problem with mencoder, there is no WinFF for it and one have to do quite a bit of reading to assemble proper set of parameters. To save you from learning, here is what I do:

~ $ mencoder -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts vbitrate=480:aglobal=1:vglobal=1:acodec=libfaac:abitrate=64:vcodec=mpeg4:keyint=25 -ofps 15 -af lavcresample=44100 -vf harddup,scale=480:320 -mc 0 "/home/yourlogin/in.flv" -o "/home/yourlogin/out.mp4"

I want H.263 video and AAC audio in MP4 container. Video should have bitrate up to 480kb/s and must be resized to 480x320 pixels, also frame rate is 15 frames per second.  For audio requested was resampling at 44.1 KHz and bit rate up to 64kb/s. It is not requirement that input video must be FLV, it should work for any container which you can find at YouTube. If your screen is different from 480x320, you may want to resize video differently. For example for 320x240 screen, vbitrate=256 and scale=320:240 should be good choice.
Not so nice as WinFF but not very complicated either.

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